Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Democrats against minorities...Again

History is replete with tales of Democrats voting, acting or agitating against minorities.  It's unpopular to say, but the deep south was a Democratic bastion during the civil rights era.  Now the Clark County Commission, Democrats all, have elected not to allow predominately minority districts to be formed as the 10 year census allocation of population suggests should happen.  

Why you ask?  Of the seven commissioners, all but one are day-glo white.  If, as suggested, two or three primarily minority districts were created, a couple of them would be out of a job no matter how liberal they are.  Can't be giving up that power just for the sake of the constitution, now can we.

Bring em all down!

MGM has announced it will demolish the Harmon hotel due to "structural issues."  Little wonder that.  And this after we were told the project simply "had to be finished for the good of Las Vegas!" by none other than the senior Senator.  And we payed the price. Wonder when the other litigants in the multi million dollar lawsuit will run to the court for an injunction claiming the hotel must be preserved to prove they were not the negligent party in its construction?

However, now that there is a move to demolish a hotel before it opens (as opposed to knocking down older "historic" locations), maybe we can get a few more things deconstructed.  I vote for the Fremont Street Experience and all failed ventures there and most of the neighborhoods bordering Fremont Street all the way to the Boulder Highway.  If nothing else it will make Metro's job a little easier!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Lamentations as Gripes, Groans and Observations

While in the strictest sense a lamentation is a complaint, I use it here in a broader sense of rambling observations about the world we inhabit, or more specifically, the world I, and approximately 2.1 million people (and rapidly falling), inhabit.  

Las Vegas Nevada is a dichotomy, wrapped in an algebraic equation stuffed into the box it created for itself some years ago.  The original adult playground (at least modernly: if television is to be believed ROME was a pretty wild place in its day), Las Vegas has become a pale shroud of its original self.  I "lament" this change and wanted a forum to bring some of the more troubling elements to the greater public's knowledge.  I also wanted to be able to trumpet how great my city can actually be when she deserves the praise. 

To make sure my ramblings get the full impact I will learn how this blogging thing works.  I will learn how to bring you pictures of America's Playground, warts and all.  Just as soon as I can find a reasonable 12 year old to explain how!  You see, I'm a Luddite at heart.  I did not catch the tech train when it started and I'm now racing along side her as she chugs out of the station, one hand almost on the rail to make the fateful jump aboard.  So, please be patient as I come to grips with the "brave new world" of Orwellian communication and interpersonal relationships that is social media and blogging. 

A few house keeping issues.  I have a job.  I work long hours and my time is often not my own.  Posting may be sporadic at times.  My writing will probably be disjointed and poorly composed from a classical grammar perspective.  Please look past these inadequacies as I bring the inner melange that is Las Vegas to your attention.  I will make every effort to bring quality comments here as often as possible and look forward to creating a rewarding experience for you as a reader of my thoughts.